Do you postpone talking about Jesus to friends? Do you hold back when you see a friend backslide? (like it's a competition to make heaven). Do you compromise on God's standard because grace abounds? Romans 6:1, I beg you to desist from such ways.
"Remember therefore from whence thou art fallen and repent and do the first works or else I will come quickly and will remove the candlestick out of thy place, except though repent "- Revelations 2:5
Be proud of whom you profess you love to, share this love with your family and strangers, ask for the in-filling and out-pouring of the Holy Spirit; and don't be scared to shout God's fame. Who would you rather be, the smart five virgins or the virgins left behind? Matthew 25:1. The choice is yours. God is so forgiving, Jesus Christ came for the sinners and not the righteous, so every time you fall out of love with Him, don't give up because He won't give up on you. Run back to him. He is waiting with open arms.
Testimony: God healed my friend's mom of cancer. "Health is Wealth", you will never understand this until you or your loved ones have to battle with any sickness. Thankful for her life.