Tuesday, 28 October 2014

Food for thought: Ten Rules Of Respect to Live By.

My best friend loves books, He loves books that can inspire him, books that can aid him, books that can improve his knowledge beyond everything he currently knows, I used to be like him, I love words and gaining new knowledge, that's the only sane reason behind me reading the oxford dictionary during my spare hours in secondary school and reading the newspaper often when I was in primary school.

After Jamb and year 2 in the University, I think I became a lazy reader but I am trying to repent and restore my relationship with books. Since my best friend is a book lover, he has a mini library, I recently borrowed a book titled "There's no such thing as Business Ethics" by John .C. Maxwell. He talks about ethics, how it's difficult to find companies and individuals who apply the Golden Rule and how the Golden Rule applies to business decisions and our personal lives. He also features real stories as examples. It's so educative, I love this book so much that I might have to re-read it. A part in chapter 3 captivated me and though I dropped New Year Resolutions two years ago, this part in the book has to be my 2015 resolution. They are ten rules for respect to live by, I will try living by them and expect others in my life to do the same. Here I go......

1. If you have a problem with me, come to me privately.
2. If I have a problem with you, I will come to you privately.
3. If someone has a problem with me and comes to you, send them to me (I'll do the same for you).
4. If someone consistently will not come to me, say, "Let's go see her together. I am sure she will see us about this." I will so the same for you.
5. Be careful how you interpret me, I'd rather do that. on matters that are unclear, do not feel pressured to interpret my feelings or thoughts. It is easy to misinterpret intentions.
6. I'll be careful how I interpret you.
7. If it's confidential, don't tell. If you or anyone else comes to me in confidence. I won't tell unless
     a) the person is going to harm himself/herself
     b) the person is going to physically harm someone else
     c) a child has been physically or sexually abused. I expect the same from you.
8. I do not read unsigned letters or notes.
9. I do not manipulate; I will not be manipulated; do not let others manipulate you. Do not let others try to manipulate me through you.
10. When in doubt, just say it. If I can answer it without misrepresenting something or breaking a confidence, I will.

Looking for a new book to read? If you have not read "There's no such thing as business ethics", I recommend it. You will learn a lot.

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