Sunday 27 March 2016

Because Jesus lives... Happy Easter!

Because He lives, I can face tomorrow.
Who is He? He introduced himself in John 14:6.

Today's Easter service seemed to be for me. It felt like God decided to speak to me through the pastors who preached the sermon.

I have celebrated Easter several times but this year, I clearly understand the significance of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. It gives me a new form of peace knowing that when He died, He beared the brunt of my sins, cares, burdens, frustrations, worries, all other negative effects of sin and He traded it for everlasting life, peace, joy, happiness, good health, hope, love and so much more.

It doesn't matter how the world treats you or me, it doesn't matter if today or the past seems annoyingly bleak, it doesn't matter if people or the devil persecute you for no just reasons, it doesn't matter if you are mocked for believing in Jesus Christ, it doesn't matter if life has scared you, you need to know that the enemy trembles every time because Jesus lives forever and He has paid all the debt we owe, He has shamed the enemy and removed our name from the book of death and included it in the book of life.

As long as we continue to believe and hold unto Jesus Christ, we will keep winning. Jesus won the battle a long time ago. We are more than conquerors when we believe.

Happy Easter beautiful people, He lives!!!

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